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Noticed Things for visitor to myanmar

Noticed Things for visitor to myanmar

1. Remove your footwear when entering pagodas and religious places

The Burmese people are religious people and hold all persons, places or things associated with religion in much veneration. This is true of Buddhists as well as Christians. Since your Myanmar tour will take you to many places that Buddhist and Christian it is necessary to be informed of modes of dress and behavior which might cause displeasure or surprise and so should be avoided. On the other hand, there is much appreciated when a foreign person is seen to be observing the proper form.Footwear must be removed before entering the pagoda grounds. In some places, in some countries, footwear may be permitted up to the building in which the Buddha image is enshrined, footwear is removed only when the shrine building is entered. In Myanmar, it is considered essential to remove footwear before entering the compound in which the pagoda or shrine is sited.The question of footwear in pagoda precincts was a crunch issue during the colonial period. There was uproar in the country when the British rulers claimed the right to wear shoes in pagoda precincts and an armed rebellion almost ensued. The shoe question gave impetus to Myanmar’s struggle for independence and was the beginning of the end for British colonial rule.
Another question: “After shedding the shoes, should one keep the socks on?” The short answer: What you wear on the foot is footwear. Right? It is more comfortable to be barefoot in those places. And you don’t want to start a war, do you?The same rule of removing footwear applies before entering monastery precincts. But in some cases, there can be a relaxation of the rule. The presiding monk, with the consent of the resident monks, may permit footwear in the monastery precincts. An example is the Hermitage of MahaSi in Yangon where footwear is permitted. The grounds of the Hermitage are extensive and many foreigners come to meditate or to visit. However, there are many more monasteries where the rule is followed.
How do you know what to do? Observe others. If the locals keep their footwear on, you may do so. If you meet no one, it is better to remove the footwear until someone tells you that you may have them on.
Monks and novices remove their footwear when on their morning rounds to accept merit food

2. Never point with your feet or aim them at a Buddha

The Buddha (also known as Siddhattha Gotama or Siddhārtha Gautama)[note 3] was a philosopher, mendicant, meditator, spiritual teacher, and religious leader who lived in ancient India (c. 5th to 4th century BCE).[5][6][7][note 4] He is revered as the founder of the world religion of Buddhism. [8] He taught for around 45 years and built a large following, both monastic and lay.[9] His teaching is based on his insight into duḥkha (typically translated as "suffering") and the end of dukkha – the state called Nibbāna or Nirvana. The Buddha was born into an aristocratic family, in the Shakya clan but eventually renounced lay life. According to Buddhist tradition, after several years of mendicancy, meditation, and asceticism, he awakened to understand the mechanism which keeps people trapped in the cycle of rebirth. The Buddha then traveled throughout the Ganges plain teaching and building a religious community. The Buddha taught a middle way between sensual indulgence and the severe asceticism found in the Indian śramaṇa movement.[10] He taught a spiritual path that included ethical training and meditative practices such as jhana and mindfulness. The Buddha also critiqued the practices of brahmin priests, such as animal sacrifice. A couple of centuries after his death he came to be known by the title Buddha, which means “Awakened One” or the "Enlightened One".[11] Gautama's teachings were compiled by the Buddhist community in the Suttas, which contain his discourses, and the Vinaya, his codes for monastic practice. These were passed down in Middle-Indo Aryan dialects through an oral tradition.[12][13] Later generations composed additional texts, such as systematic treatises known as Abhidharma, biographies of the Buddha, collections of stories about the Buddha's past lives known as Jataka tales, and additional discourses, i.e, the Mahayana sutras.[14][15] Contents 1 Names and titles 2 Historical person 2.1 Historical context 2.2 Earliest sources 3 Traditional biographies 3.1 Biographical sources 3.2 Nature of traditional depictions 4 Previous lives 5 Biography 5.1 Birth and early life 5.2 Renunciation 5.3 Ascetic life and Awakening 5.4 First sermon and formation of the saṅgha 5.5 The growth of the saṅgha 5.6 Formation of the bhikkhunī order 5.7 Later years 5.8 Last days and parinirvana 5.9 Posthumous events 6 Teachings 6.1 Tracing the oldest teachings 6.2 Influences 6.3 Teachings preserved in the Early Buddhist Texts 6.3.1 Critique of Brahmanism 6.3.2 Analysis of existence 6.3.3 Dependent Origination 6.3.4 Metaphysics and personal identity 6.3.5 Worldly happiness 6.3.6 The Path to Liberation 6.3.7 Monasticism 6.3.8 Socio-political teachings 6.4 Scholarly views on the earliest teachings 7 Physical characteristics 7.1 In early sources 7.2 The 32 Signs 8 Gautama Buddha in other religions 9 Artistic depictions 9.1 Gallery showing different Buddha styles 9.2 In other media 10 See also 11 Notes 12 References 13 Sources 14 Further reading 15 External links

3. About Thanaka

Thanaka (Burmese: သနပ်ခါး; MLCTS: sa. nap hka:; pronounced [θənəkʰá], also spelt thanakha) is a yellowish-white cosmetic paste made from ground bark. It is a distinctive feature of the culture of Myanmar, seen commonly applied to the face and sometimes the arms of women and girls, and is used to a lesser extent also by men and boys.[1][2][3] The use of thanaka has also spread to neighbouring countries including Thailand. Thanaka cream has been used by Burmese women for over 2000 years.[4] It has a fragrant scent somewhat similar to sandalwood.[2][7] The creamy paste is applied to the face in attractive designs, the most common form being a circular patch on each cheek, nose, sometimes made stripey with the fingers known as thanaka bè gya, or patterned in the shape of a leaf, often also highlighting the bridge of the nose with it at the same time.[4] It may be applied from head to toe (thanaka chi zoun gaung zoun). Apart from cosmetic beauty, thanaka also gives a cooling sensation and provides protection from sunburn.[1] It is believed to help remove acne and promote smooth skin.[4] It is also an anti-fungal.[2] The active ingredients of thanaka are coumarin and marmesin.[8]

4. About Betel

The betel (Piper betle) is a vine of the family Piperaceae, which includes pepper and kava. Betel leaf is mostly consumed in Asia, and elsewhere in the world by some Asian emigrants, as betel quid or in paan, with Areca nut and/or tobacco. In India and Sri Lanka, a sheaf of betel leaves is traditionally offered as a mark of respect and auspicious beginnings. Occasions include greeting elders at wedding ceremonies, celebrating the New Year, and offering payment to Ayurvedic physicians and astrologers (to whom money and/or areca nut, placed on top of the sheaf of leaves, are offered in thanks for blessings). The betel plant is an evergreen perennial, with glossy heart-shaped leaves and white catkin. The betel plant originated in South and South East Asia.

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